Observances and Sponsorship
You might be familiar with the term "yahrtzeit."
Yahrtzeit is Yiddish for the anniversary of passing of a loved one. Within Judaism, the yahrtzeit is a day not just to remember the departed; it is a day to connect with the soul of the departed, to contemplate his/her life's accomplishments, and to commemorate the lasting contributions that are a part of his/her eternal legacy.
The yahrtzeit may be observed for any relative or friend, but it is meant primarily for one's parents and spouse, and G-d forbid, a child.
As believers in G-d, we also believe in the eternity of the soul and its connection to those he/she left behind in this world. Each year, on the day of the yahrtzeit, the soul shines in its full strength and beauty. The opportunity for loved ones to connect with the soul and impact his/her well being is also at its greatest.
We would be honored and privileged to provide you with the materials and inspiration you need to observe your loved one's yahrzeit on its proper day on the Jewish calendar.