Dear Friend,
Each year, we publish the annual Jewish Art Calendar for Montana. The beautiful calendar for the Jewish year corresponding to September – September of the civil calendar, is distributed for free across Montana.
The calendar includes Jewish history, cultural information about holidays and tradition, and delicious recipes! Thanks to our generous advertisers and sponsors, the Jewish Art Calendar proudly hangs in thousands of homes and businesses in Missoula and all across big sky state.
We are pleased to announce that we are in the publishing stages for next year’s calendar! Set for (Jewish/Lunar) Year 5783, corresponding to September 2022 – September 2023, the calendar will once again be distributed free of charge all across Montana.
Partner with us to transform each day of the upcoming year into a special community occasion!
There are three ways that you can participate:
Purchase space to advertise your business while supporting your local community.
Not looking to advertise? You can purchase space to send a New Year's greeting to the community, or congratulate, honor, or memorialize a loved one.
Support the calendar project with a donation of any amount. Your name or dedication will be featured in a dedicated portion of the calendar.
Our deadline is July 23rd so the calendar can be printed and mailed free of charge to every Jewish home and business in time for the High Holidays.
Greetings and ADVERTISING
Business Card (3.5x2): $300
Banner (7x2): $600
Corporate Sponsorship (first page): $900
Sizing and pricing may vary.
Become a calendar supporter today!